The crankshaft of a typical in line four cylinder engine has 8 balance weights.
46) The crankshaft of a typical in line four cylinder engine has ______ balance weights.
Answer is:

Related Automobile Engineering MCQ with Answers
Answer is:
parallel to the crankshaft
Camshaft in an engine is always mounted parallel to the crankshaft.

Answer is:
one half turn
In a four stroke engine for each crank shaft revolution, the camshaft revolves one half turn.
A camshaft on a four stroke engine runs at 1/2 the crankshaft speed , the intake and exhaust valves opens once (each) for each two engine revolutions. In a two stroke engine, it is one to one.

Answer is:
timing belt drive pulley
The timing belt is attached to the camshaft pulley and timing belt drive pulley.

Answer is:
rocker arms
The motion of the cam is transferred to the valves through rocker arms.